Sunday, March 11, 2007

What Is Myspace?

What is this thing called MySpace anyway?

MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends' friends, and in your business case, expand your business.

By creating an account on MySpace you can share photos, journals and interests with your growing network of prospects!

If you are reading this then I’m sure you want to know how to increase awareness about your business and to add to your bottom line. ME TOO!

I actually love MySpace because it’s a great place to market. The best part about all of this is that is costs you nothing but time. Yeah it’s FREE OF CHARGE! But as some say, “time is money” or “time is valuable.” All very true if you believe it.

Quotes of the Day

"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business."
Henry Ford

" If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. "
Albert Einstein

"A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship."
John D. Rockefeller

Saturday, March 10, 2007

R.I.P. Andrew Miller & Shatone Glover

Andrew Miller 17 and his stepsister, Shatone Glover 16, were killed Wednesday 3/7/07 when the car in which they were riding left Freehold Road in Jackson and struck a tree in New Jersey.

I actually never had the pleasure of meeting the two, but I wish I had. Andrew is the nephew of my Godmother. So I would always hear stories about how much she loved him and look at the family photos when he was a baby.

They are missed in a lot of people's lives. The two were so full of energy and lovable. How could one not want to know them?

The two blessed a lot of people in their lifetime. As I can tell, they really appreciate it.
Lets keep them and their family in our prayers as the two gets a promotion into Heaven.

To view complete story:

Friday, March 9, 2007

American Idol

I have my ups and downs about this show. I really liked the auditions because they are so funny. A lot of people only watch the first part that allows contestants to make an ass of them selves on national television. The people really have to go through 4 additions before they can get to Randy, Paula, and Simon. But to find out that at the end of the day it was just to get more viewers. Great marketing strategy. I must say that it definitely worked. I for one haven’t missed a show yet this season for the first time ever. I really enjoy watching those talented people sing their hearts out. Too bad all of them can't be the winners. Too bad it’s not my show. The sad thing about this show is that a person can get booted off the show for wrong choice of song.

American Idol is so big now; they have decided to use this as an opportunity to give back. They are going to be raising money to help eliminate poverty in the states and also in Africa. I think it’s a wonderful win-win situation. This is how it’s going to work. You watch and vote for your favorite contestant, sponsors donate money for every vote. You can also donate from home as well at I really think that it’s a great way to give back. Why not? So make sure you watch and vote. I will.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Quotes of the Day

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
Nelson Mandela

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
Albert Einstein

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Entrepreneur and Investor vs. Employee

Employee, Self- Employed, Business Owner, or Investor… Which one are you?

Have you decided which one you are?

Well if you haven’t you should fast. For those who don’t know the difference between Employee, Self- Imploded, Business Owner, and Investor or have no clue what that are, let me give you the k.i.s.s. ( keep it short and simple) explanation.

Employee- you work for some one

Self- Employed-you work for yourself

Business Owner- Others work for you

Investor- your money works for you

Simply said? It’s actually easier read than doing. You have to be self-motivated to do what the big boys do. You actually have to kick your self in the ass and be a go-getter. You have to be a leader, a student and a teacher. What I want to instill in you is that you don’t have to be that employee any more. Honestly I love my dedicated employees; they are what keep my businesses going.

I know being an employee may seem easier because you don’t have a lot of responsibility. Climbing the corporate ladder isn’t all its cracked up to be. What about a down size? What if they don’t need you any more? What’s next? Being an employee is never safe if you ask me. A job is a temporary solution to a long-term problem.

I chose not to be an employee because I like spoiling myself. I like to stay up and wake up when I want to, Eat lunch when and where I want, travel whenever I want, etc. Imagine going to a beach for a weekend with you significant other at last minute because you want to. Sounds Good? You know that you will never get away with that at ABC’s company without putting in vacation time if you get that. What about giving yourself a raise because you want to? The list just keeps getting longer.

Figure out your passion and what you are good at doing. Your passion is something you would do for free. Remember money follows vision. Write a business plan. And go from there.

I love investing because you really just watch your bank account grow. Trust me it feels good to watch the accounts grow and grow! You can invest in Real Estate, other businesses, stocks, etc.

The day that you decide that you want to be in control of your destiny is the day you start controlling your destiny. When would now be the right time to do so and live life with ease? Good luck on your journey.


The Apprentice LA

I absolutely love this show. Donald Trump is doing yet another thing that no one believed would work. But much to their surprise, it’s a big hit on NBC. This show is about people competing to be his right hand man. My question is how can I learn from him without being on the show? Do I pay him $50,000 an hour like others?

I really like when they go into the board room and Donald chews the candidates out, then fires them. It’s funny for me but sad for them. This show is all about marketing. At the end of the day it is all about the bottom line. (Also know as net profit.) Like in any business. When I watch this show I think of new ways of marketing my company and or other businesses that I work with. It’s a new way to expand your horizon. Because sometimes the candidates do things that cause you to scream at the TV telling them that it was a stupid idea, and how you would’ve done it.

The strange but great thing about this show is that the candidates sometimes are already successful. Since Donald is a billionaire, why not learn from him and gain access to his contacts. Remember that it’s all about whom you know. I’m a loyal viewer of The Apprentice LA. If you have time you should watch it on Sundays on NBC. You’ll learn something.
